Free 1st Class Newsletter Reviews
Performance Group With Alise Halbert
Coming in February Performance Group Series with Alise Halbert
Join the talented Alise Halbert for a Performance Group Class! Saturdays 10am – 12 noon commencing Saturday February 8th, February 15th, February 22nd, and March 1st. Interested in improving your dancing and having a great time? Learn patterns with other classmates, Practice what you have learned and perform in front of a great audience in a relaxed atmosphere!

Learn a beautiful choreographed routine to be performed at

Pick’s Spring Party and Showcase

Ballroom Blitz’s “Fly Me to The Moon” on US Hornet Aircraft Carrier

10 -11am Technique, 11am – 12 noon Choreography

Cost:*$145 per person per 4 weeks/8 classes

Drop in rate $40 both Classes or $25 for one class.

*Please register in advance. Questions? Email Alise at

February 8th, February 15th, February 22nd and March 1st 10am - 12 noon, $145.00